No worries! The quickest way to cancel is to visit Just click “Cancel” to cancel your subscription and then purchase a new subscription.
We are sorry. We do not offer refunds for raffle tickets after the drawing. If you have any questions, email us at
If you have a new credit card or want to change the credit card that your Herman VFC subscription charges every month, no problem. The quickest way to change the credit card is to visit Just click “Change Payment Method” to enter a new credit card.
Absolutely! The quickest way to cancel is to visit Just click “Cancel” to cancel your subscription. As long as you did this prior to your renewal date (it is usually the day in which you initially subscribed), your credit card will not be charged.
No problem! Simply pick the amount of raffle ticket books and select “1 Month.” Doing this will allow you to enter once and not be a multiple month of subscriptions.
Your credit card will be charged for the first month subscription. If you subscribed to 10 tickets (2 Books), you will be charged $10 when you first subscribe. Next month, your credit card will be charged $10, and the month after, and the month after. Basically, your subscription allows you to be billed every month, not all at one time.
Yes. Herman VFC uses “Stripe” to process your credit card. We also purchased a third-party security (SSL) certificate to encrypt your data when purchasing a subscription. Stripe is a company that has a strong history of processing credit card payments. Click here to read there privacy policy:
We do collect your personal information, like name, address, etc., but we will not use this information, other than to interact with you and process your payments.
Many of our customers purchase tickets every month, and we wanted to provide them an easy way to enter into our monthly raffle. Once they subscribe, they receive a receipt via email. We then enter the amount tickets that they purchased every month that they subscribed. It is easy. As long as you are subscribed, we take care of making sure your tickets are entered in the raffle every month of the subscription.